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Summer Blues

It occurred to me when I threw up my quick post about Phoenix Comicon that I never did update the blog with my last two attempts at the sub-2 hour half marathon.

Attempt #3 was the 2017 Phoenix Women's Half Marathon in January, which I finished in 2:25 - even slower than the previous two tries.  Attempt #4 would have been the IMS/Sun Health Half Marathon in February, but I convinced some other lovely ladies to drop from the half and do the four-person marathon relay with me instead.  Our team name was Half Kidding.  Thankfully they all seemed pretty willing and I ended up having a pretty fun time.

Since then, I've given up the goal of breaking the 2-hour half marathon, at least for a while.  It'll be too hot for me to set any records until winter, even assuming I wasn't completely discouraged by running altogether!

In March I did the Vistancia Sprint Triathlon, to try and "step up" my triathlon game.  I was convinced late last year that I would be signing up for an Ironman to complete in 2018.  After coming in 97th out of 102 athletes in the whole event, I decided that maybe triathlons weren't for me after all.

I thought signing up for another race would get me motivated, but I've had enough time to talk myself both into and out of doing a 50k trail race.  I have a 25k trail race on the calendar (where I will probably drop down to the 10k distance instead, but we'll find out in September), and I'm on a team for Ragnar McDowell Mountain in November.  But that's it.  And I don't have a huge desire to do much of anything else right now.  I don't know if that's summer/hot weather blues or if I will really be done-done with running.  My heart says, "Don't give up!" but my brain says, "Go back to bed!"  For better or worse, the brain has been winning.

I'm tossing around the idea of a charity bike ride or a duathlon.  But maybe it's just that I haven't had enough time to talk myself out of them yet!


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