I’m always looking for apps that help me do something better/faster/smarter. So in my quest to be happier, I had to find out if there was an app for that. It probably won’t surprise you, but there are apps designed for this purpose. I have tried two of them so far and I wanted to share my thoughts.
Juice – FREE in the Apple App Store
I first heard of Juice when I was poking around tinybuddha.com looking for tips on teaching myself how to meditate. Meditation, or just the simple act of learning how to relax, I thought could help me navigate through some of the stress in my life. Anyhow, I think I first saw it mentioned in a tiny banner ad on the website, but a more in-depth article about the app can be found here from tinybuddha.com’s founder, Lori Deschene. (Just as a side note, tinybuddha.com is pretty awesome and has a lot of good ideas and articles about change in your life.) This is the very first “happy app” I’ve tried and I like a lot of things about it.
Get Happy – ways to increase your happiness; Lisa Patterson-Kane - $0.99 when it was available in the Apple App Store (no longer available as of 8/1/2013)
Unfortunately, I am just not that impressed with Get Happy. The basic premise is the same – you go into the app and adjust a set of self-ratings for Relationships, Personal Growth, Leisure, and Work Education; and you can adjust these as little or as often as you like. Each day the app will give you a new tip to read, presumably based on those ratings. I however seem to be getting the same dozen-or-so tips over and over again in spite of how frequently I adjust my ratings. Maybe I’m just not changing drastically enough or fast enough for the app to give me additional advice. The app also gives daily notifications, which are usually just a few words to help guide your day. These were cute at first until they too started repeating themselves; sometimes the notification has nothing to do with the tip of the day that generates for you. There are lots of additional tips in the app you can read on your own, but I don’t need to download an app to sit around and read all day. The idea, I thought, was that the app could tailor my information, but it’s kind of a flop.
I still have the app downloaded on my phone, but only because I feel the extra obligation since I paid for it. Of the two choices here I recommend giving Juice a try, even if temporarily; and in doing the research for this post it seems Get Happy is no longer available anyway. Juice is the app I’ll go back to unless I find something I like better, and it’s a great starting point for those of us just starting our happiness journey! And it’s FREE! Free things make me a little bit happy.
I still have the app downloaded on my phone, but only because I feel the extra obligation since I paid for it. Of the two choices here I recommend giving Juice a try, even if temporarily; and in doing the research for this post it seems Get Happy is no longer available anyway. Juice is the app I’ll go back to unless I find something I like better, and it’s a great starting point for those of us just starting our happiness journey! And it’s FREE! Free things make me a little bit happy.
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