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What I Want to Be When I Grow Up!

I think I have finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up.  In this case, "growing up" means finally figuring out what I should be doing in my career at age 32 (almost 33), post-college, post-MBA, and post-working-in-a-professional-capacity since about 2003.

I want to be a race director.  A race director specifically for races you can do with your dog.  Yes, I am being serious.

When I started training for my first 5k, I was training for a race I could do with Kano.  I would joke that if anything went wrong, at least he'd be there to drag me to the finish.  But honestly, it was one of the best things we've ever done together.  And there is a very strong possibility I might not have done it without him.  I just wasn't that into running at the time.  (Now I guess I kind of am.  I signed up for my first ultramarathon this summer - 6 hour race!  Not with Kano, though, unfortunately!)  Just like dogs that love the walk, Kano knew what it meant if I started putting my running clothes on after work, and he'd prance around and meet me at the pantry where his leash was every time I walked into the kitchen.  How can you say no to this face?

So, I've figured it out.  Now what? 
Interestingly, I already have an LLC set up that I've done absolutely nothing with.  It was my "Plan B" for if/when I get laid off from my current 9-5 (which is really 7-5) gig:  dog walking.  The name of my business is Pawtential Energy LLC.  Pretty badass, right?  The best part, and I didn't know it at the time I came up with the name, is that it's perfect for a dog-friendly race and event company!
Even still, there's a ton of stuff that would need to happen before I actually get a race off the ground.  I have no business licenses, permits, or capital of any kind.  I don't have a logo or business cards.  I have a Facebook page for the business, but it's completely empty.  So I won't be able to quit my 9-is-really-7 to 5 job just yet.  Nevertheless, I'm pretty excited about my idea.  It's why I decided to share it with you all. 
If you're a venture capitalist or an investor, be sure to email me!  Ha!  


  1. Good Luck! I will be sure to bring my dog to your first race. She like me is more of a sprinter. I have to pick her up after 3 miles. She's wicked fast but her short little legs just can't take running for more than 30 minutes-ish. When I hit the Powerball I will give you a call!


  2. Have you considered trying to use Kickstarter to raise some funds? It's a real asset to some of these small startups!

  3. Thank you for the well wishes! The farthest Kano and I have run together is 5 miles, which I think is close to his max. He is incredibly fast on short distances though!

    I had considered using Kickstarter or other similar crowdsourcing when I first formed the LLC, but I didn't really have a vision then. Now, it might make more sense, but I don't know if my idea has the appeal it would need to generate enough funds. Worth exploring (since I didn't win the Powerball last night either).


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