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The Year of the Dog

Long time, no see!  I changed my "About Me" profile to reflect that I am the occasional blogger, because let's face it:  I am terrible about updating this on a regular basis.  At least if you see a new post you can probably assume I have news to report (although admittedly there's no guarantee of that either).  I just want to get through a couple of quick updates! 

If you've looked at my blog in the past then you may notice that I changed the layout and theme.  I have never really found a format that I love, within my knowledge and skills of Blogger, but I do like this one a lot better than the previous version.

I've been experimenting with my eating regimen since I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's late last year - I have been gluten free since September and dairy free since the day after Christmas.  Although I haven't lost any weight yet - ugh - I do feel so much better than I did before my diagnosis.  My energy levels are back and probably better than what they were before.  I have the energy to workout and have started running again.  I just returned from my Rim-to-River (and back) hike at the Grand Canyon (with hopes to do a separate post soon!!) and I have plans to do a sprint triathlon later this month.  I can't quite figure out the formula to get some of this extra weight off, but I have the strength to at least try harder at it than I was before.

I also really, really want to run a 50k this year and have selected the McDowell Mountain Frenzy in December as my race to fulfill that goal.  But this past week I've just been recovering from the Grand Canyon, so nothing to report quite yet. 

My biggest news item is that I started a new job this year!  After working for a big bank for a little over 7 years, I left to pursue a new opportunity with a manufacturer/distributor of personal care products.  I am a PROJECT MANAGER, as in, my ACTUAL TITLE is Project Manager; not some other job role that they just have doing project management all the time.  I wasn't actually looking to leave my previous job, at least not yet; but I felt like this was kind of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in with a growing company.  They are teeny tiny in size when it comes to the number of employees, so admittedly there's just not a lot of jobs at this company, period.  But I am thrilled to be back in the consumer products industry, and excited to pursue a new career path utilizing my CAPM certification I received in December 2017.

Not a bad Year of the Dog so far. 


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