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I'm stuck at home recovering from the flu (so I might as well write).  Yes, the full-blown flu.  I came down with it two days ago after my husband brought it home two days before that.  I thought I was going to skate by easy - I did get a flu shot, after all - but no.  It seems a flu shot doesn't keep you from getting the flu, at least not this year.  I even had that crazy test done where they put a swab up your nose and touch your brain, which came back positive.  So the $100 I earned in my "medical reimbursement account" for getting a flu shot went straight to paying for the Tamiflu prescription I'm on to get rid of the flu.  *sigh*

I'm having a helluva time staying positive through this.  I am a little more than 2 weeks away from my next full marathon, and although I'm supposed to be tapering, I'm also still supposed to be, y'know, running a little bit.  I haven't ran in 4 days.  It'll probably be a week before I can get out there again.  I was in the midst of a plank challenge.  I'm behind on preparing my taxes, and balancing the checkbook, and a multitude of things around the house...  WHY ME?!?

So, I have no real takeaways from this post for you other than: 1) don't believe the media when they tell you to rush out and get a flu shot, it is no guarantee you will get away from it; and 2) I'm really just kind of bored.  I'm hoping with the training I've put in that I can bounce back for my next race, but to be honest I'm a little worried.  Hoping it's all just in my head.


  1. I just wanted to follow up with an article I found on Runner's World, "How to Get Back on Track After the Flu": While maybe not the exact answer I was hoping for, it means I can get out there again soon!


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