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Happy (Almost) New Year!

As I tend to do every now and again, I was really excited to start blogging on a normal basis, and then I let myself get so busy that I abandoned the blog for a period of time.  A blessing and a curse, really; I'm not sure I had much to say during these past few months I was absent, but it doesn't help me in my quest to become something other than the cubicle farm drone that I am for 70% of my waking hours.

I kind of hate New Year's resolutions - if I want to start bettering myself, why not start today? - but I manage to come up with a whole list of them anyway.  Things I want to do to improve myself or something around me, but that I'm not quite ready to start pre-January 1.  I am really good at coming up with excuses for why or why not... 

So, 2014 Resolution #1:  I want to write a blog post at least once a month.  It's a meager goal but one that I think I can not only achieve, but surpass.  And if I don't, I think I am okay with 12 average quality posts.  It's probably going to have a lot to do with my running habit (a big step in helping me be not so miserable all of the time), and I am throwing around the idea of attempting a duathlon in 2014.  I can always come up with some rant or rave about my work, but I try to stay away from that.

Resolution #2 (these are in no particular order, by the way):  Stop sweating the small stuff and learn to appreciate what I already have.  This isn't really a new one on the list and I've been working pretty hard on this already throughout 2013, but I could use any new tips or tricks in this area.  Seems to be a constant struggle for me.  My mind is quick to switch to, "Why aren't things better than this?"  Job, house, marriage, friendships have all fallen in this bucket in the past.  I'm tired of it and don't want to live that way anymore.

Resolution #3:  I need to brush my teeth every night before bed.  Gross, right?  I don't not do it because I don't think it's important.  I go to the dentist regularly and they nail me for this every time.  I have family and friends in the dental industry, so I get it.  I just usually go, go, go until it's time for bed and I pass out from exhaustion.  But, I need to get my act together, set aside 5 minutes before I'm too tired to get up and do it, I guess.  2014 seems to be the year I will get my first [tooth] crown also, so I hope this will help me get a handle on it.  (For the record, I do brush my teeth and floss every morning as a professional courtesy to the people I work with, and my husband too!)

I could probably come up with even more resolutions but I will stop there - any more and I'll have a bigger list of fails than successes.  I want to be realistic as to what I can accomplish.  Here's to hoping 2014 is better than 2013 was!  Truly Happy New Year!


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