It occurred to me when I threw up my quick post about Phoenix Comicon that I never did update the blog with my last two attempts at the sub-2 hour half marathon. Attempt #3 was the 2017 Phoenix Women's Half Marathon in January, which I finished in 2:25 - even slower than the previous two tries. Attempt #4 would have been the IMS/Sun Health Half Marathon in February, but I convinced some other lovely ladies to drop from the half and do the four-person marathon relay with me instead. Our team name was Half Kidding. Thankfully they all seemed pretty willing and I ended up having a pretty fun time. Since then, I've given up the goal of breaking the 2-hour half marathon, at least for a while. It'll be too hot for me to set any records until winter, even assuming I wasn't completely discouraged by running altogether! In March I did the Vistancia Sprint Triathlon, to try and "step up" my triathlon game. I was convinced late last year that I would be sign...
Thyroid-Waning but NOT 50k Training (at least not yet)