The Vistancia Sprint Triathlon was last Sunday. I wouldn't describe it as my most shining moment. Nothing tragic happened, but nothing felt like it was going right, either. I thought about going through and describing each moment of the race, but eventually decided against it. To sum it up, I came in last in my age division on the swim and the bike portions; 3rd from last on the run. Now, I knew well in advance that I wasn't going to win it all, I just wanted to do better than I had in my previous sprint triathlon . I think I probably could have. I ended up stopping to attempt to help a friend who had a flat tire on the bike portion of the race. I wouldn't say I actually helped anything, since I didn't really know how to change a flat tire, but I had seen it done before... Thought maybe all of that observation would be effective... Although I don't think it was. Still, I think his triathlon goals are much bigger than mine, and I gue...
Thyroid-Waning but NOT 50k Training (at least not yet)