It has come to my attention that whilst my van was running away at Ragnar Del Sol, my best friend and her sister-in-law (both in the other van) decided to set the goal of completing Ironman in 2016. Apparently it is expected that I participate in these shenanigans with them. A couple of weeks have passed and I find myself just as indecisive about the whole thing as when I first heard about it. Why am I waffling? I think there are good arguments to do it and good arguments to hold off, or to just be a great spectator. It's been a weird feeling for me though. I'm pretty sure if I committed to it, and was able to train for it, I could finish. So, for the first time, I'm not sitting around worried that I just can't accomplish something, and that's a pretty great feeling. I was also kinda-sorta worried that I might somehow lose my identity as a "runner". I've been making some small but incremental progress this year and I don't want to lose m...
Thyroid-Waning but NOT 50k Training (at least not yet)