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Showing posts from August, 2014

Treadmill Wars Versus Mycroft Holmes

My top three obsessions in life at the moment are (in order of importance): Training to run a half marathon in under 2 hours. Sherlock . Training for my first sprint triathlon. Which is an interesting order, because what will happen is (in chronological order): I'll run out of Sherlock to watch. My first sprint triathlon is in October. My next half marathon is in November. Today was the first tempo/pace related run of the training plan, and the easiest way I thought I could accomplish this was to run it at home, after work, on the treadmill.  The plan called for 8 miles:  2 slow miles, 4 miles at an 8:50-9:10 pace, and 2 slow cool down miles.  Running on the treadmill can be pretty daunting, so what to do to pass the time?  Watch Sherlock, Season 3, Episode 2 during my run. What a great episode.  Dr. John Watson is getting married!  Sherlock is the best man!  I have 2 miles under my belt, then 3 miles, then 3.3 miles...  and I...