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Showing posts from January, 2014


I'm stuck at home recovering from the flu (so I might as well write).  Yes, the full-blown flu.  I came down with it two days ago after my husband brought it home two days before that.  I thought I was going to skate by easy - I did get a flu shot, after all - but no.  It seems a flu shot doesn't keep you from getting the flu, at least not this year.  I even had that crazy test done where they put a swab up your nose and touch your brain, which came back positive.  So the $100 I earned in my "medical reimbursement account" for getting a flu shot went straight to paying for the Tamiflu prescription I'm on to get rid of the flu.  *sigh* I'm having a helluva time staying positive through this.  I am a little more than 2 weeks away from my next full marathon, and although I'm supposed to be tapering, I'm also still supposed to be, y'know, running a little bit.  I haven't ran in 4 days.  It'll probably be a week before I can get out t...

From the Back of the Pack

I went and did a semi-organized half marathon today.  I'm not sure what else to call it; maybe a well organized 13.1-mile training run with a random group of people.  The OI Marathon Club, a local after school program, put the notice out on that runners were needed to join the group and support the kids, ultimately training for their first full marathon.  Their first marathon, IMS Arizona, happens to be the marathon I'm currently training for and my second full marathon* of all time.  I registered (although it was free to attend) thinking I could show my support for these kids and maybe meet a few new runners along the way.  At 10:52 pm, well after I went to bed for the evening (I had to leave at 6:45 am to go do this thing, after all), an email is sent with some of the race instructions: "My runners are very dedicated to their training, they have improved at every run. They should be able to run finish the half marathon around 1:55 to 2:10...