Ever since I first heard about Ragnar, I thought it sounded like a fun, unique experience and I couldn't wait for a chance to participate in it. I remember attending running club practice in February 2013 and hearing people talk about it. “I’m taking it easy tonight. We have Ragnar this weekend!” “I have to start with a half marathon distance!” “Who else is in your van?” And on and on until I asked, “What’s Ragnar?” Ragnar is the overnight running relay race that makes testing your limits a team sport . [1] Wow, an opportunity to compete as a team with 11 other people who like running! I knew if I wanted to get in on this, it would have to be with the running club. (I don’t know 11 other people who like running, maybe 3 or 4. And I certainly wouldn’t want to deal with the logistics of van rental, navigation, and coordinating pickups and drop-offs alone.) When they started to reach out for people later that year for the 2...
Thyroid-Waning but NOT 50k Training (at least not yet)